reaching-children-blogIt may come as a surprise to some, but it is a sad fact that children make up the overwhelming majority of the population in the slums where we plant churches.  Using our comprehensive ministry method, we seek to reach this vulnerable group before they end up in gangs, addicted to drugs, or trying to survive through prostitution. Our mission is to reach these young children with the gospel, to train them to be the future leaders of the church; thus, powerful instruments of hope in their struggling communities. This is a slow process, but one that bears lasting fruit and establishes a sustainable church.

untitled-design-9Pastor Gilmar and Lizandra, his wife, are using VBS to attract children to their church plant in Torres on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The couple stated, “How gratifying to serve God by investing our time in these little ones! The Lord knows our work is not in vain!” At a VBS held a little over a month ago, they had 50 children participate and saw the miracle of God working in the lives of each of them. This past Sunday they hosted their first VBS with older children and adolescents. Through this VBS outreach ministry the church plant is seeking to teach practically that Jesus offers the best way for their lives. Pastor Gilmar shared that seeing the young people paying attention and praying is both priceless and extremely rewarding. We know that God is touching their hearts.

Would you like to partner with us in this humble and vital work? Pray for the children we are working to serve in these poverty stricken communities and donate to provide the materials for these outreach ministries. For more: