Over the past 15 years we have planted numerous churches among the poor in Brazil. More than this, we have established a Brazilian led and supported church planting movement. One of our partner churches in Brazil is First Baptist Porto Alegre. They have financially invested in our work for many years. They also send short term mission teams to be the hands and feet of Jesus in some of the communities where we are serving. These trips are especially fruitful because there are no language and culture issues to overcome as there can be with teams from the USA.
Recently, First Baptist spent a week with our church plant in Torres and our newest work in Passo de Torres, a neighboring city across the border in the state of Santa Catarina. The members of the team joined our church plants to minister to their communities. They held outreach events, distributed Bibles, led Bible studies and encouraged the churches to continue serving their communities.
We are always grateful for the support of other churches in Brazil. The work we do truly is a whole-church effort. The local community is equipped and empowered to do the work of reaching their neighbors. Other more established churches in Brazil partner to provide hands on support as well as financial partnership. Finally, individuals and churches in the USA, and occasionally other parts of the world, provide the remaining partnership needs to ensure that churches are established in some of the neediest communities in the world.
We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with such a diverse group of Christ followers!