“May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.”    -John 17:23  (NIV)

We’re not that different. All of us. No matter where we make our home, be it steeped in the suburbs or down dusty roads, underneath our skin, the delicate pulse of our hearts beats the same.

Like the woman woven in bright colors, sitting on the curb in a village tucked into a mountain. All she wants is for her kids to play outside free from fear, and laughter continually rolling from their lips. For them to learn at school, create opportunities for themselves that she only has dreamed of for herself.

And the man slapping dust from his pants. All he wants is satisfaction of a good day’s work settling in his bones. To put bread on the table and make an honest living off the land. To support and lead his family, see his wife’s face relax, worry wrinkles erased and replaced with a spark in her eyes.

And the wide-eyed innocence of the children. All they want is to know they are seen and loved. That they have names, spoken with tenderness. They want to nurture their passions, discover more about the shape of their soul, and, because it isn’t too much to ask, they’d like to change the world.

Simple needs. Simple wants.

All they ask is for opportunity. Open doors, willing hearts. Champions for change.

Local churches bend to break into the darkness and pull longing hearts into the light. For hope to fill the day and dreams soften the night. To introduce a collapsible world to Jesus, who is Light Himself.

Where might you be if you weren’t born where you were, had a plethora of possibilities and people who believed in you? How can you make one small move to share the love and hope of Jesus with another who is desperate for His truth?

Sometimes it’s a simple step that gains the greatest ground.

Imagine what could happen if you paved a way for mercy to seep into parched souls and planted seeds that would sprout into joy and possibility because of Jesus Christ brought in tangible ways.

We are all dependent on one another. God did not intend for us to draw lines and stay within the confines of our own communities. Jesus walked this earth to break down barriers and reach deep into the bowels of brokenness to bring a dying world alive.

We really aren’t that different. At the core of it, yes, we all are quite the same.

Father, we are all the same in Your eyes, through the blood of Jesus. We are Your children, and we ask that we may be united in our dreams and love for Your Kingdom. Amen.

This post is one of an ongoing series of guest posts and devotionals written by friends of Living Bread Ministries. Sign up for our newsletter for more stories from the front lines of our ministry among the global poor: LivingBread.org/subscribe 

Sarah Rennicke loves words. She also loves people. And she loves weaving them together in honest and vulnerable ways that cut underneath the surface and break open the longings of the heart. She is a writer and dreamer whose words breathe vulnerability and hope into longing souls. She enjoys slowing down and listening to the heartbeats of this world, and believes that we are all desiring to be seen, known and loved. Sarah writes for an international ministry, has a weekly column at ALTARWORK, is a member of Redbud Writers Guild and invites readers to sit with her awhile at Dreaming to Stay Awake and connect with her on TWITTER.