It has been a while since we provided an update on our family, and since so much has changed we thought it was time. The spring marked a big transition with Patrick graduating from high school. He was second in his class at Timberlake Christian. We spent a lot of time last year visiting colleges and working on his applications. He was accepted into three excellent programs and eventually decided to attend the University of Virginia. He is working hard at UVA and seems to be adjusting well. We are grateful for how the Lord is blessing him.
With Patrick’s transition to college, our home dynamic has changed quite a bit. Bárbara and I are adjusting to the new routine. Tabitha and Olívia are doing well. Tabitha is a sophomore at Timberlake Christian, which means we are teaching another young adult how to drive. She is doing well academically, and her JV volleyball team won the state tournament. She is in the midst of seeking opportunities for volunteering to begin preparing for her college applications. Olívia is in 7th grade, so we have transitioned out of the elementary school years. She also played volleyball at TCS, with her team ending as runner up in the regional tournament. Olívia is looking forward to gaining a role in the school play again this year. Last year she had the opportunity to play Jane Banks in Mary Poppins.
Bárbara has been working on a PhD in Intercultural Studies for the past couple of years. She is in the research and writing stage and is making progress. She is focusing on our work in southern Brazil and specifically the culture of the people in the slum communities. Her work will be of great value to Living Bread, but the most significant impact will be in helping churches in Brazil gain insight into ministering in the slum communities. I have been keeping busy leading Living Bread and also pastoring at Restoration Hill. We launched this church plant in Lynchburg about eighteen months ago utilizing techniques we learned while working in Brazil and Thailand. I am learning a lot through the process and have been able to incorporate it into better equipping our Living Bread church planters.
It has been a couple of years since we sought to raise any personal support. Our goal is $3,000 per month, which includes funds for health insurance for our family. Over the past couple of years we have seen our support dwindle from donor attrition and is currently averaging $2,100 per month. We raise personal support because we commit 100% of the funds raised for the ministry to the projects for which they are designated. We only draw support from those who have specifically committed to partner with us in our efforts to expand church planting among the global poor. If you would like to help us as we help the marginalized, Bárbara and I will be eternally grateful. You can send a check or donate here. Please specify it is for Hubbard Family Support in the memo line or notes section for online donations. Thank you all for your ongoing prayers and support.