The Magiolis have faithfully led Ministerio Pão Vivo (Living Bread Brazil) for many years. Pastor Magioli, our Executive Director, continues to mentor and disciple each of the church planters in Brazil. He also travels frequently to churches throughout the country sharing the ministry and vision of MPV and raising funds to support the work of our churches there. Mrs. Magioli, Roseangela, works tirelessly alongside her husband to lead the ministry. They are doing well and excited about the doors the Lord is opening for MPV. Though the work is not without its challenges, they are looking forward to what is in store. Please pray for their strength, perseverance, and good health as they continue their hard work! Please also pray for their two children, Kiko and Wanessa, and their employment situations and health concerns.
We are so thankful for the Magiolis and their dedication to Ministerio Pão Vivo!