As you may have seen in a recent email newsletter from our founder, Patrick Hubbard, we have begun this year facing a crisis of funding of a magnitude that could severely impact our work among the poor. In case you missed it, here is a brief recap from Patrick’s letter:

“Heading into 2019 I could use your prayers and, if the Lord leads, your help. I want to be sensitive how I share this, but I also want to be transparent. Living Bread Ministries is starting the year having lost about $2,000 per month in financial support. Some of this is the result of a large donor needing to reduce their support for business reasons. Some is the result of churches that needed to reduce/eliminate their monthly investment in the work, and a significant portion results from the loss of a long-term major partner.
The unexpected loss of $24,000 annually has the potential to drastically affect our work among the desperately poor. Circumstances outside of our control are severely hindering our ministry. However, we know the Lord is faithful and trust the future of Living Bread into His hands.” We asked if our email subscribers would commit to praying for the future of our ministry and to give if so moved. We’ve been encouraged by the response of many of you and are happy to report that since the January email we’ve received $8,000 in donations! This is a great start toward bridging this debilitating deficit and we’re grateful. However, we still have a ways to go to be able to continue the current support of our church plants in both Brazil and Thailand.