
A Local Church Changes Everything
For almost 14 years our comprehensive approach to church planting has been impacting communities in South America and Southeast Asia by successfully building indigenous leadership teams. Currently, we have seen a great response to the gospel in Thailand and...

New Church Planter in Brazil!
Renting a garage and borrowing chairs from a local business, on November 26th Daniel Soares held our first service in the Cabrobó community. This new church plant is located in the state of Pernambuco, in the Northeastern part of Brazil, one of the poorest parts of...

New Opportunities!
Imagine listening in the dark as your toddler cries himself to sleep. The ache in his stomach is the result of routinely having to go hungry. As a parent of three healthy children I cannot imagine how hard this would be, or what I might be willing to do to get the...

Headlines: A Better Way to Give
Recently I read 13 Things I Want American Christians to Know about the Stuff You Give Poor Kids by Rachel Jones. Though she used the program from a specific Western ministry as the launching point for her article, I believe she made some excellent general points about...

Building Celebration in Planalto!
While the church is more than a building, we believe in the importance of investing in a local base of operations for our ministry in the impoverished communities we serve. We help our churches secure a building because they use their building daily for the good of...

Extreme Flooding in Thailand
Annual floods, which are difficult even if expected, are a burden on the poor we serve in Thailand. Unfortunately, we have just received news from our Thai ministry director that record breaking flooding is affecting a region where we have planted churches in the...