Despite several challenges, Lindomar continues to serve faithfully in the coastal community of Capão da Canoa. Lindomar’s wife Marilu had been suffering from extreme headaches due to a benign tumor in her brain. After a failed attempt to remove the tumor, she was finally able to have a proceedure with the proper specialist and is recovering.

This family is one of many that benefit from the feeding ministry in Capão da Canoa.
Though growth may be slow, it is steady in Capão. Lindomar is preparing 5 new church members for baptism and continues to have around 15 adults consistently in attendance for services. He continues to lead a growing soccer and Bible study ministry for children with about 40 students involved. Their church is also partnering with the local government to distribute food to hungry families. This partnership provides fresh produces to families in addition to the food kits that Living Bread regularly distributes to hungry families.
Please continue to pray for Lindomar and Marilu and their children as they are still in recovery mode from her surgery and are working to meet spiritual and physical needs in their community.