
Pray with us!

Pray with us!

A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name...

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The Gospel at Work Amid COVID-19!

Here is a special message from our Executive Director in Brazil, Pastor Magioli, and one of our church planters, Lindomar.Faced with this pandemic that afflicts our nation and the world, we are reminded more than ever that people need God, love, and solidarity in such...

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A Timely Word from our Founder

A Timely Word from our Founder

We are in a time of great uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic is moving through the world and the realization that we are not as in control of our lives and circumstances as we previously thought has many of us feeling afraid. It is during times like this that I am led...

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New Thai Church Begins Weekly Worship

We’re so thankful for the growth of our outreach efforts in the Huatanon community where we are working in Thailand! After months of meeting in the area for a children’s club, English classes, and small groups but gathering with another church on Sunday mornings, our team working in Huatanon has begun meeting in their own Sunday morning worship service!

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Can we count on your support?

We have spent a decade and half building relationships in struggling communities and establishing local churches that minister to the needs of their neighbors. Many of the communities we are working in would not have a local church if we had not helped establish...

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Capão Update

Capão Update

Praise the Lord we have had the building for our chuch plant in Capão da Canoa fully funded! However, because of the real estate situation in this area, we were not able to purchase the building we had originally tried to buy as the permanent home for this work....

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