
Update from Igreja Batista Viva

Below is an update on our first church plant in Brazil, Igreja Bastista Viva in Porto Alegre.  Here Pastor Tiago (who recently became the pastor there) shares about the current ministry situation. Good evening, I thank God for all the prayers, words of encouragement,...

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Why I'm Launching Freegrance Products

I have spent the last twelve years working among the global poor, people living on $1 to $2 per day. More than ever I realize that any approach to dealing with such severe poverty must be comprehensive. When my wife and I launched Living Bread Ministries we committed...

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Spring 2016 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is hitting mailboxes this week!  Catch up on our latest news today! Here's one of the stories from this quarter's issue. Global Partnerships One of the most exciting parts of how Living Bread Ministries is growing is seeing how the international...

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Local Government Partners with Church Plant

Below is a report from our church plant in Capão da Canoa, Brazil from its pastor Lindomar (translated by Bárbara Hubbard).  We're so thankful for the vision our pastors have for their ministries and communities and how they're willing to trust the Lord to provide...

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He Drew Them Before They Knew Him

I don’t know if it’s because I’m a writer or a story-junkie, but I love hearing people’s testimonies—especially about their lives before Christ. Not once have I heard someone talk of their pre-conversion life without mentioning that in hindsight they can see how God...

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Featured in the Liberty Journal

We're excited to be able to share part of Living Bread's story in the latest issue of the Liberty Journal.  You can read the feature about Patrick and Bárbara Hubbard (both LU alum) on page 59 of the magazine!       To view the article on the Liberty...

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