
Another New Church Plant in Brazil
I (LBM Founder Patrick Hubbard) recently returned from Brazil where I spent time working with a group of our church planters and other leaders in southern Brazil. As part of our biannual training, I led sessions focused on equipping families to serve together, the...

Interview on Spirit FM
In this brief interview with Spirit FM, a Christian radio station in Lynchburg, VA, Patrick gives an overview and update on our comprehensive church planting efforts among the global poor. Our unique approach is empowering community led local churches to transform...

Devotional: Bringing Forth Justice
Isaiah 42:1-9 is the first of four Servant Songs found in Isaiah. In this first song, God introduces His servant. In this passage the servant is the nation of Israel, though this will be developed in the other songs and ultimately point to the Messiah. In vs. 1-4 God...

Trip Report: Thailand
Last month Barbara Hubbard, co-founder of LBM, and I (Aleah Marsden, LBM Communications Director) took a trip to Thailand. We organized this trip to meet with and encourage our Thai board of directors and to collect some stories from the front lines of our ministry in...

Creative Program Blesses
A few weeks ago one of our church plants in Southern Brazil received a generous donation from a new program, NATAL+SOLIDÁRIO. This team is made up of personal organizer professionals, who use their organizational talents to help their clients streamline their...

Blessed To Be A Blessing
In Genesis 12:1-3 God promises to bless Abraham and to make of him a great nation. The Lord also says He will bless Abraham so that he would be a blessing, that all the families of the earth will be blessed through Abraham and his descendants. This blessing is...